How to Close a Limited Company when Retiring in the United Kingdom

Have you decided that it’s time to retire? Is it finally time to hang up your suits, tuck away the computer and focus on having a bit of time to yourself? Retiring can be a great feeling, as you give yourself the freedom to do the things you’re yet to have done and go to the places that you’re yet to have seen. If you work a regular job then retiring is easy as you simply stop working there; however, if you own your own business then taking the right steps towards closing it down can prove to be somewhat tricky. If you currently find yourself in this position then be sure to keep reading as here we will be discussing the best ways to close your limited company when retiring.

When it comes to closing your company upon retirement, there are a few different options available. If your company is dormant and you do not have any assets in it, shareholders on board or creditors then it is possible you can just dissolve the company going through the necessary channels in Companies House.

 Close a Limited Company when Retiring in the United Kingdom 


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