
Showing posts from November, 2022

Why UK Pension Fund Selling Stokes Fear Across Global Bond Markets

In the UK, assets are currently being sold from British pension funds to meet different margin calls. The repercussions of this selling of pension funds are starting to have an economic impact all over the world, from New York to Sydney to Frankfurt. One of the countries that are currently seeing the impact of the selling of different pension assets is the US. Multiple investment-grade bonds are falling, and they currently stand at the average price of 86 cents to the dollar. This is a large reduction when you consider that in September 2021, they were 90 cents to the dollar. The Wall Street trading desk has confirmed that it is British Pension funds that have largely contributed towards the pressure to sell recently. Not to mention, in Europe, leveraged loans have been bundled into different bonds. These are known as collateralised loan obligations, and they are also under pressure. This has resulted in an increase in the yield premium on Asian investment-grade dollar notes, which cur...

How to Close a Limited Company when Retiring in the United Kingdom

Have you decided that it’s time to retire? Is it finally time to hang up your suits, tuck away the computer and focus on having a bit of time to yourself? Retiring can be a great feeling, as you give yourself the freedom to do the things you’re yet to have done and go to the places that you’re yet to have seen. If you work a regular job then retiring is easy as you simply stop working there; however, if you own your own business then taking the right steps towards closing it down can prove to be somewhat tricky. If you currently find yourself in this position then be sure to keep reading as here we will be discussing the best ways to close your limited company when retiring. When it comes to closing your company upon retirement, there are a few different options available. If your company is dormant and you do not have any assets in it, shareholders on board or creditors then it is possible you can just dissolve the company going through the necessary channels in Companies House.  ...

Why Did England and Wales Experience a Record Number of Voluntary Liquidations in 2022?

Navigating the economy as a business has always been challenging. This is because there are always issues beyond an organisation’s control that can affect how consumers engage with them and the value of the products and services they sell. This has always been the case, but it hit unprecedented heights in 2020 as the coronavirus took hold and completely shook up the entire world, subsequently shaking up its economy in the process. When the pandemic started, businesses were forced to close their doors and, where possible, adapt to working from home. It meant fewer people were going out and were more hesitant to spend money, meaning a large number of organisations across the country took in a lot less income than they managed in previous years. As such, the government was not simply willing to stand by and let these businesses shut down. Instead, action was taken, and different measures were put in place that meant businesses were given a bit of breathing room and had the opportunity to ...

Corporate Insolvencies Jump in the UK After Withdrawal of Covid Support

When the coronavirus swept the world, governments and businesses were left scratching their heads, wondering how exactly they were supposed to deal with it. A virus of this scale had not been seen in over a century and as such, knowing what the next steps should be certainly were difficult to get hold of. Organizations began to wonder how they were ever going to keep their business afloat through such economic hardships, whilst individuals wondered how they would fare through elongated periods of isolation. The government became aware that as the virus gradually grew worse, they needed to step in to help businesses. Many organizations were able to utilize technology and the cloud and continue running their organization from the comfort of their own home. Many other businesses could not do this, and all trading had to cease immediately. Companies were naturally not going to be able to survive off such little income. Subsequently, plans were put in place to help businesses navigate such ...