Foreign Direct Investment in the UK 2022 and Its Impact

According to Ernst Young (EY), although Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) fell in Europe last year, the UK reversed this trend and attracted plenty of foreign investment, totalling 63 projects in 2021. EY’s UK Attractiveness Survey for Financial Services continues to demonstrate that foreign direct investment in the UK in 2022 is still leading the way for overseas investment.

Indeed, the UK secured more ‘new’ investment projects than any other nation, next to the US. In 2021, of the 63 new financial services projects, 54 were new, whilst the remaining 9 were expansions of existing projects.

This trend for FDI in the UK, which is the opposite of what’s happening in Europe, is further backed up by new data that suggests the UK can continue to expect further financial investment in the future. A global investors survey on behalf of EY in February and April 2022 showed that when it comes to European investment, the UK is still the most popular (67%) with investors.

So, what’s the level of FDI in the UK, why is it important, and how does it impact the country?


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